Ubatuba and bye bye Brasil💋

Ubatuba – or Ubachuva, as the locals say, truly lives up to its name – sheer endless rain for 24hours 🙂 No problem for us … that gives us the opportunity to visit the “Aquarium”🐳

I somehow like the experience as we not only learn about animals of the sea (and get to touch rays and seastars and seacucumber, etc.) but also because the aquarium educates its visitors on the environmental damage the oceans and their fauna are suffering … how we can live a more sustainable and in an eco-friendly way, reusing materials from our daily lives, etc. Well done, Aquário de Ubatuba, keep going your way!

In the afternoon we stroll around the historical towncentre and along the beautiful beach promenade until – on the next day, the sun comes out again 🙂 One last swim in the sea and côco gelado … the sun sets – golden rays enlighten the whole bay … and I feel a tiny bit wistful as my holidays draw to an end🦎

What a fantastic journey … covering over a thousand kilometers in three weeks we experienced Brazil´s rich culture, gorgeous nature, happy and super hospitable people, delicious culinary delights, lovely campsites, tropical weather and stunning lightningstrokes!

Obrigada Brasil, for making me feel so home here … looking forward to see you again soon💘

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